Wednesday, August 22, 2007

An Adventurous Lunch

Joanna has now decided that steak seasoning, teriyaki sauce, and salad don't mix well. Judy was on lunch duty, and put what she thought was the balsamic vinegar on the table. It was in actuality, the teriyaki sauce (We're thrifty people around here. We use the old balsamic vinegar jar to hold the teriyaki sauce since it's much easier to handle than the gallon jug) I wish you could have seen Joanna's face. She absolutely LOVES balsamic vinegar and steak seasoning (who knows why!) on her salad. It's one of her favorite things. She took her first bite, and her face began to contort and scrunch up with absolute horror and disgust. Various adjectives followed in hot pursuit. (Believe me, this isn't an exaggeration) Unfortunately, I couldn't contain my laughter. I probably should have, because I then proceeded to spill all of the salt in the salt shaker onto the table. Thankfully there weren't any guests around. They would have thought us the most clumsy, disorganized (I mean really, who keeps the teriyaki sauce in the balsamic vinegar jar?) family they had ever seen.

I'm really proud of Joanna. She finished her salad, although it was done with much grimacing and irritation.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Judy's Turn

This batch of bread certainly turned out better than last time. Judy's favorite part of making bread is throwing it on the table. (which reduces the air bubbles) She actually made me jump the first time she did it. I guess I wasn't expecting her to throw it that hard.